What are WordPress plugins and why you ​need them

What are WordPress plugins and why you ​need them

Plugins give you an opportunity to turn your blog visitors into a solid source of income. Not that there was a plugin that when installed would automatically​ send money to your bank account. Nevertheless…

With a good strategy you can achieve that they help you to improve your blog in such a way that the economic benefits will be quite remarkable. In this article you will learn not only to find the free WordPress plugins, but also to understand how to get the most out of them.

What are WordPress plugins?

Imagine your blog as a house you just bought. Inside it there are only empty walls. Although you can live in it, it is better to equip it with furniture. It is more pleasant to sit on a chair than on the floor, to sleep in a bed, to store clothes in a wardrobe, etc.

The same goes for a newly installed blog. You can use it from the first minute after installation. However, why not broaden the chances of your earnings? At this moment come to the scene the plugins that are something like the furniture of the house. After a simple installation they add to your blog new features.

What can you achieve with the plugins?

You can realise almost any marketing strategy that you think about. There are thousands of plugins, both free and paid. Here are a couple of examples of how they can serve you:

  • Create a newsletter. Capture emails from your readers so you can tell them, for example, about your new posts.
  • Optimize your blog for search engines to get more visits from Google.
  • Monetize your blog showing banners.
  • Add social media buttons so your visitors can easily share your articles.
  • Insert Google Analytics code in your blog. So you can analyze which strategies work best and focus on them to boost your profits.
  • Link your accounts in social networks and capture followers / likes.

Where to get free plugins

Although in many cases, such as when choosing a web hosting for your blog, it can become quite expensive to opt for free offers, in the market of plugins is a different situation. Among the thousands of free plugins available there are real pearls.

To install a free plugin, access the control panel of your blog. In the side menu you will see the Plugins link. Click on it, then on the Add new option and use the search to find one with the functionality you need.

Plugins installation

Where to find paid plugins

If you do not mind investing a couple of dollars, I recommend you checking the premium plugins marketplace called Codecanyon.

This is the same marketplace​ where Visual Composer is sold, one of the few paid plugins I am using. Given that you can choose from over 5,000 plugins, you are likely to find whatever functionality you are looking for.

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